-Supporting local supply chains-

-Supporting local supply chains-


Local and organic


Local and organic

What are biscuits made of ? Flour, sugar, fat (vegetable oil or butter), and maybe milk. Our regional biscuits are made of more than 65% local ingredients, on average. Our regional biscuits are made of more than 65% local ingredients, on average.

  • Our ingredients sourced in the region: wheat flower, sunflower oil, grains, etc.
  • Our ingredients sourced in France :  : sugar, butter, fruit, nuts, salt, and milk in all our butter biscuits !

Choose LOCAL to :

  • Support growers in the South West and farmers across France
  • Reduce our carbon footprint
  • Control product quality
  • It just makes sense!


In 2015, we entered into a partnership to set up a wheat supply chain in the South West of France.

This partnership is a three-way agreement between the Qualisol Cooperative (Gers), the family mill at Montricoux (Tarn-et-Garonne) and our bakery at Moulin du Pivert (Aveyron).

We commit to agreed volumes and prices with our partners. This gives us complete control of our main supply chain with the guarantee of a top-quality raw material that is ideal for our purpose and the enjoyment of our customers!

This means our wheat is grown in the neighbouring districts of Gers, Tarn-et-Garonne and Lot-et-Garonne. The wheat is then milled at the Moulin de Montricoux, just 50 km from our bakery.


means supporting THEM : our farmers, our miller and our regional economy !


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Sunflowers are grown and pressed in South-West France to produce oleic sunflower oil.

We use this regional sunflower oil in most of our biscuits and have proved many times that our biscuits taste just as good without butter.


The Moulin du Pivert has been making biscuits with unrefined, organic cane sugar for a long time because, unfortunately, the organic beet sugar was not grown in France. But we’re delighted that, in 2023, organic sugar beet started being produced in mainland France! So our biscuits and toasted breads are now made from French sugar instead of cane sugar from South America or Africa.

This greatly reduces our carbon footprint.


  • Less soil erosion
  • No heavy transport
  • Less water to grow

640 litres of water are needed to produce 1 kg of beet sugar, compared to 110 litres for 1 kg of cane sugar. So an artificial irrigation system is required to grow cane sugar, when the natural water supply is not enough.


“Beet sugar is white, so it must be refined.”

FALSE ! Beet sugar is naturally white, so it is never refined, unlike cane sugar which goes through a refining process.

“Cane sugar has more flavour.”

FALSE ! ontrary to what many people think, there is no difference between the taste of beet sugar and the unrefined cane sugar that we used previously. In our blind test, nobody noticed the difference.